In Person Social Groups

Play & Social Skills Groups At Our Center

Here at Mission Cognition, we pride ourselves on getting to know each applicant as a unique, and valued individual, in order to form best fit groups.  Best fit groups are formed according to age, areas of strength and need, and interests and preferences. For many of our participants, they have never had friendships, so pairing our learners with peers they can relate to, feel accepted by, connect with, and share common interests with is not only beneficial to developing social interaction skills, but potentially is also potentially life changing as genuine friendships emerge.
Each group’s structure and routine is highly individualized to best meet the needs of the individual participants in the group. Groups are divided into three primary levels, A, B, C, serving early, intermediate and advanced social learners respectively. Regardless of age, we work to ensure that each group’s unique structure and routine is designed to be developmentally appropriate and representative of a learning environment that sets our participants up for success. The possibilities for growth are endless when we meet our learners where they’re at, follow their motivation, and support them in acquiring the skills that are most functional, relevant and meaningful for them. 

Play + Social Group Offerings

Developmental Playgroup

Our preschool-kindergarten participants are served in our developmental playgroup.

This service delivery model is focused on expanding play skills, associating peers with positive experiences, and facilitating the development of social language.  

Facilitators emphasize the growth of social motivation, initiation, reciprocity, communication, adaptability & flexibility, and play skills through the facilitation of developmentally appropriate activities such as  free play & play centers, music & movement, interactive story time & sensory play. 


Primary & Intermediate Social Groups

Our primary (k-2) and intermediate (3rd-5th) groups are structured as either leisure based social groups for our learners with emerging language, or  more traditional social skills groups with a behavioral skills training (BST) approach which consists of instruction, modeling, rehearsal & feedback. Each participant is matched with their best fit service delivery model. 

Examples of target skills for development include sharing, tolerating losing, self advocacy, conflict resolution, & perspective taking among others. 


Teen & Young Adult Social Groups

Our teens and young adults focus on the skills needed to navigate the increasingly more complex social world. The more our participants are able to communicate wants and needs effectively, employ social problem solving strategies and self advocate, the more opportunities they have for successful inclusion and independence in less restrictive environments.

Topics of instruction and practice include, but are not limited to, relationships and boundaries, internet safety, self advocating, expanding conversational skills, expanding leisure skills repertoires & developing coping skills.


Get Started Here

Step 2

Receive Confirmation Email & FAQ packet

Step 4

Complete Assessment Packet

Step 5

Accept Placement 

Step 6

Submit Enrollment Paperwork

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