Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Love Bingo? So do we! Tune in this episode to learn how we have kicked it up a notch by making some changes to the way we structure game play in order to target complex but critical & foundational social skills including: orienting toward social partner, scanning...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Tell me About Malcom

This episode highlights the importance and value of knowing your learners beyond checklists, goals & reports. How we view, interact with and talk about our learners matters regardless of what setting you work in, the population you serve, or your area of...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Fun Friday 1: Catapults

This is our very first “Fun Friday!” episode where give you an example of a game or activity we did to target a variety of social skills. Today’s episode is about snowball catapults and how we used this activity to target a wide range of executive...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Assessing Play: Part 3

This final part of the 3 part series on assessing play ties together what was discussed in prior episodes, emphasizes the need for assessment in order to develop appropriate goals, and outlines Dr. Parten’s 6 stages of play. The 6 stages are briefly defined and...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Assessing Play: Part 2

In this episode we continue the conversation on assessing play skills by introducing 2 additional resources to assist in understanding the developmental sequence and hierarchy of play skills development to better assess and identify goals related to early social...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Assessing Play: Part 1

Assessment drives goal development. Many children with autism present with splintered skill sets. How can we determine what’s most socially significant to target with a goal of increasing opportunities to socialize with others? Young children’s most common...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Conceptualizing Pure Play

In typically developing children, play emerges and develops without explicit, systematic instruction. In children with an autism diagnosis, play is often described as absent or restricted. Behavior analysts have the skill set to teach play, but a working definition of...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Conceptualizing Social Skills

What are social skills and why does establishing a working definition matter? Have you ever said, “they’re not ready for social skills” or have had someone say that to you? Maybe there is just a miscommunication about exactly what you’re...
Fun Friday 2: Super Secret Spy Bingo

Launch Day! Let’s get Social

Assessing and teaching play & social skills in natural ways with an emphasis on generalization is tough! Listen in to get in on the ground floor and become part of this learning journey. The mission is to do better when it comes to assessing skills and selecting...
QR Codes Deciphered

QR Codes Deciphered

At least once a day every day, I think about what it would be like to just get rid of my phone, like throw it into the woods and run off to the minimalist life. I know I wouldn’t be able to last a day, but just the thought of returning to the simple life is so nice...