The 123’s of FCT

The 123’s of FCT

Ever seen problem behavior? Yep, me too! There are 2 main functions of behavior. People are either engaging in a behavior to GET something (attention/item/activity/sensory stimulation) or GET AWAY from something (attention/item/activity/sensory stimulation) Is it ok...
Avoiding Teaching Play?

Avoiding Teaching Play?

Play is so much fun, isn’t it!? Well, maybe not if you are the adult crawling around on the floor neighing like a horse or running around the room with your arms outstretched making your best jet plane noises only to be met by a less than impressed kiddo or a little...

Go With The Flow! Teaching FLexibility

If you work with children with autism and related disabilities, I am pretty confident that at some point, you have shown a learner a picture and asked, “How are they feeling?” Good goal, right? Well, that depends…what’s the point of this activity? Often times when we...

Teaching Emotions: Why & How

If you work with children with autism and related disabilities, I am pretty confident that at some point, you have shown a learner a picture and asked, “How are they feeling?” Good goal, right? Well, that depends…what’s the point of this activity? Often times when we...


Hello there…After nearly 15 years working with individuals with autism and related disabilities, pursuing formal education, attending conferences, watching webinars, reading everything I possibly can, networking with colleagues and listening to families, I’ve come up...